the dashboard effect

Why You Should Use Power BI for Your Commercial Services Company

Written by Jon Thompson | July 6, 2021 5:13:04 PM Z

Data is the driving force of the most progressive and successful companies and is more available than ever before, but it is not useful until consolidated into meaningful reports directly tied to business objectives.

Blue Margin’s consultative approach paired with Power BI is helping commercial services companies implement data transformation quickly and successfully. Data transformation drives ownership mentality through your company and keeps your team aligned on the highest value priorities. Executives and individual contributors alike need visibility and easy access to on-time performance metrics to support their work.

Why Power BI?

Released in 2014, Microsoft Power BI leads the industry in business analytics software. The platform is seamlessly integrated into the Microsoft ecosystem, delivering the most capable toolset (according to both Gartner and Forrester) and yet is the lowest cost solution in its class. The Blue Margin team uses Power BI to create streamlined dashboards that allow companies to get a pulse on individual, departmental, and company-wide performance.

Power BI visualizations allow users to see historical, current, and anticipated performance. It identifies and renders patterns to help identify risks and opportunities quickly. Dashboards keep the most important metrics at the forefront, helping companies stay ahead of their competitors.

How Power BI Works for Commercial Services

Using Power BI, commercial service organizations can create a reporting command center empowering leaders and staff to proactively manage value-creation initiatives across operations, finance, and customers.

Keeping data accessible and actionable allows employees to monitor their progress against measurable goals and understand how they can support the company's growth and vision. Employees that have visibility in their individual and team performance are more satisfied and motivated and take ownership of their role. Increased compensation does not have the influence on productivity that we once thought. Employee satisfaction is a much better predictor of productivity, and the path to satisfaction is transparency.  

Power BI's analytics tools for commercial services can be a key contributor to driving employees to think more like a business owner and less like an individual contributor. Define what “winning” looks like for each role and start making strides towards success.

Companies like CoolSys (see article on the power of BI in Commercial Services with Adam Coffey) and Smart Care have used PBI to elevate to the top of their industries by gaining tactical and strategic insights into performance areas such as:

  • Work Order Efficiency (First Time Fix percentage and trend)
  • Labor Performance (utilization, overtime, and travel)
  • Cash Flow Forecast
  • Accounts Receivable 

Blue Margins’ Commercial Services HQ is a set of best-practice dashboards that can quickly get you on the road to better visibility, faster action, and smarter decisions throughout your organization.

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