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Jon Thompson

Jon Thompson

Jon Thompson is co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer at Blue Margin Inc. An author and speaker, Jon sheds light on how businesses can take advantage of a revolution in business intelligence to become data-driven and accelerate their success.
6 min read

Do BI Dashboards Really Work?

If you’ve read a few of our articles, you know we at Blue Margin love to talk about business...

3 min read

Cutting Through the Noise with Power BI Data Visualizations

"Our ability to make sense of the 'signals' from all the 'noise' in our data is paramount...
5 min read

Our "Secret Sauce" for Creating Power BI Dashboards that GET ADOPTED

Fact: The difference between dashboards that just "look good," and those that get adopted...

5 min read

How to Become a Data-Driven Organization

Easily accessible, real-time data allows you to spot opportunities you might have missed,...

2 min read

Private Equity Has Achieved Formula One Status, But Their Car Sucks.

Private equity is the undisputed Formula One of business models. It’s a high-octane race in...

2 min read

How a Modern Data Platform Supports Buy-and-Build in Private Equity

Understanding PE Buy-and-Build Success Factors

Reliable buy-and-build strategies that...

4 min read

Distribution Turns to Data to Increase Margins and Recover Rebates

"The sky is the limit once you see what your data can do for your system." - Director of...

24 min read

Who is Your Data Mobilizer?

“I’m looking for a company’s ‘data mobilizer’...that individual with buy-in from the top,...

14 min read

Successful Dashboards: How Wireframing Saves Time and Delivers Results

With BI reporting, you will greatly reduce project time and increase impact by spending more...